Boosting Immunity Naturally


? Eliminate Fear, Take Charge Of Your Health ?

Sometimes you don’t need anything fancy and you have all the right tools at home: ? .
? Hydrotherapy= Water Therapy
Shown to increase immune cells and improve their response while promoting a good blood flow to all organs throughout the body! (Contrast Showers)
PMID: 2742992 PMID: 26615277

Eat your greens- how about we go back to basics- simply lots of veggies and fruits will provide nutrients to boost your immunity. Remember to eat the rainbow!

Stress reduction- “chronic stress can suppress protective immune responses and/or exacerbate pathological immune responses” PMID: 24798553
This isn’t new though, is it?
Do your meditation, go out for a walk, talk to a friend ❤️
Sleep – lack of sleep or insufficient sleep increase inflammation and reduce immune system response.
Supplements and herbs- there are SO MANY that can boost immune system, here are the TOP ones I like:

Probiotics – did you know know that 70% of your immune system is in the gut?

Vitamin D- See my post on Vitamin D, the sunshine hormone and how it is related to immune system.
Vitamin C
Astragalus – a Chinese medicine herb, one of the most research herbs in relation to immune system.
Mushrooms such as Cordyceps, Reishi, Maitake & Turkey Tail

Honestly, the list goes on and there is SO much when it comes to Naturopathic Medicine in support of a healthy immune system. Make sure you have a REGULATED health practitioner (such as a licensed Naturopathic Doctor) that is able to work with your medications, interactions and individualize treatment for you!

PS: Please never self prescribe and talk to your ND for proper dosing, interactions check , prevention and whats ideal for YOUR Body and Needs!

If you have any health concerns, or would like to book a free consultation to discuss how Naturopathic Medicine can help you figure out ho to stay healthy during these times, please feel free to contact us.

References to above:
PMID: 30673668
PMID: 26770080
PMID: 2742992
PMID: 26615277
PMID: 23857223
PMID: 21849106
PMID: 24798553
PMID: 22071480
PMID: 30962814
PMID: 18385818
PMID: 21897224
PMID: 29900424

*Please know this isn’t specific to COVID19, research on treatment is only in development – see previous post