Immunity Archives - Dr. Tali Troyansky ND


Lets talk about poop!

If your doctor never asked you about your bowel movements, do me a favour and find yourself one who does..

This is one of my favourite topics to talk about with my patients, and one of the most important ones!

I am starting a gut health series…  ALL questions are welcome!

Your poop tells me whats going inside your body- I often ask consistency, colour, frequency, straining, blood, mucus, gas, pain, bloating and SO much more! Why is that important you ask?

Did you know…

  • 70% of our immune system is in the gut
  • The gut is our second brain- not only does it have a major nervous system BUT did you know different gut bacteria (probiotics) affect different pathways in our brain?
  • Our gut bacteria LITERALLY controls our brain.. on some level.

You have probably heard before “all diseases start in the gut”. Just hang on with this thought for a second. We are not only what we eat, but also what we absorb. It is so important to optimize digestion, reduce gut inflammation and make sure your get bacteria is healthy and happy. The gut is linked to so many other systems, but you knew that as well because we know of the wholistic approach and how complex it can be… Are you interested in knowing how the different gut bacteria affect your brain? Which gut bacteria increase cravings? Why having proper poop is essential for estrogen clearance? what is the connection between the gut and skin?

I will be talking about different topics:

-Gut and brain

-Gut and hormones

-Gut and weight loss

-Gut and skin health

Also, if you are interested about how to optimize your digestion, keep an eye for the next posts series- I will be discussing herbs, fibre, probiotics and other supplements!


Have any gut questions? Would you ike to help improve your heartburn. constipation, bloating and other digestive symptoms? Lets get to the root cause of this.. Contact me  to book in your complementary consult ! Lets be curius about your health and dig into the bottom of the cause.

PMID: 28881854


Have you checked your Vitamin D levels recently?

With this gloomy weather in Toronto I couldn’t help but think of the sunshine vitamin. However, did you know that Vitamin D is actually a hormone?

If you live in Canada, the vitamin D deficiency pandemic is a real thing… PANDEMIC- you read that right. Most of us are deficient.
Sunshine vitamin isn’t an overstatement: Vitamin D helps prevent/ treat depression, anxiety, seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and other mood related disorders – Which can be a topic on its own.

Vitamin D also has anti-microbial properties & boosts Immune function- 67% reduction in influenza rates. It helps in Fighting bacterial and viral infections, as well as reduces respiratory infections. This is so key during these times as we have to maintain a healthy immune system with the recent pandemic of COVID-19.

Vitamin D Also:

Improves Lipid Profile- Reduction of triglycerides, LDL (bad cholesterol), increase of HDL (which is you good cholesterol).

Which brings me to the next point…
Vitamin D Reduces of all-cause mortality, especially cardiovascular events. It is also used in prevention of colon cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer and lymphoma.

Vitamin D improves insulin resistance and reduces risk of type II diabetes. Those already diagnosed with diabetes, supplementation of 1,000 IU for 12 months improved markers and reduced complications in a research study linked below.

Just when you think it cant do more for you, did you know Vitamin D enhances weight loss, improves athletic performances and strengthens your bones? Super important for osteoporosis prevention and treatment.

All hormones directly or indirectly affect each other, since Vitamin D is a hormone it is very important in pregnancy and fertility.
Some of the research on vitamin D shows: Improved egg quality pre conception, improved fertility rates, as well as helps hormone regulation, reduces the risks of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, bacterial vaginosis and pre term birth! So much more as vitamin D regulates your fertility hormones (both men and women).

Get your levels checked so that your Naturopathic Doctor / MD can prescribe you the right dose!

If you have any health concerns, or would like a proper assessment of your nutrition status-  book a free consultation to discuss how Naturopathic Medicine can help you, please feel free to contact us.


? Eliminate Fear, Take Charge Of Your Health ?

Sometimes you don’t need anything fancy and you have all the right tools at home: ? .
? Hydrotherapy= Water Therapy
Shown to increase immune cells and improve their response while promoting a good blood flow to all organs throughout the body! (Contrast Showers)
PMID: 2742992 PMID: 26615277

Eat your greens- how about we go back to basics- simply lots of veggies and fruits will provide nutrients to boost your immunity. Remember to eat the rainbow!

Stress reduction- “chronic stress can suppress protective immune responses and/or exacerbate pathological immune responses” PMID: 24798553
This isn’t new though, is it?
Do your meditation, go out for a walk, talk to a friend ❤️
Sleep – lack of sleep or insufficient sleep increase inflammation and reduce immune system response.
Supplements and herbs- there are SO MANY that can boost immune system, here are the TOP ones I like:

Probiotics – did you know know that 70% of your immune system is in the gut?

Vitamin D- See my post on Vitamin D, the sunshine hormone and how it is related to immune system.
Vitamin C
Astragalus – a Chinese medicine herb, one of the most research herbs in relation to immune system.
Mushrooms such as Cordyceps, Reishi, Maitake & Turkey Tail

Honestly, the list goes on and there is SO much when it comes to Naturopathic Medicine in support of a healthy immune system. Make sure you have a REGULATED health practitioner (such as a licensed Naturopathic Doctor) that is able to work with your medications, interactions and individualize treatment for you!

PS: Please never self prescribe and talk to your ND for proper dosing, interactions check , prevention and whats ideal for YOUR Body and Needs!

If you have any health concerns, or would like to book a free consultation to discuss how Naturopathic Medicine can help you figure out ho to stay healthy during these times, please feel free to contact us.

References to above:
PMID: 30673668
PMID: 26770080
PMID: 2742992
PMID: 26615277
PMID: 23857223
PMID: 21849106
PMID: 24798553
PMID: 22071480
PMID: 30962814
PMID: 18385818
PMID: 21897224
PMID: 29900424

*Please know this isn’t specific to COVID19, research on treatment is only in development – see previous post



Do I have your attention now? Good, keep reading!

The pandemic as been a real impact lately. SO much unknown and yet so much is in the process to answer the questions!

So what’s the link between COVID19 to SARS, Ebola and Zika Viruses? ?

Other than the fact that they are all viruses, there is another surprising connection!

Quercetin ?- its a natural compound, bioflavonoid, extracted from plants! A highly potent anti-viral compound that has been shown to be “potential drug in clinical treatment of SARS” PMID: 17046271.

Did you know? SARS is a type of Corona Virus.

After the SARS outbreak researchers have been trying to find a treatment plan just incase it were to come back and there is a lot of research on quercetin and quercetin like compounds inhibiting proteolyric activity of the virus. (Journal of Medical Virology).

Right now there is a big research undergoing in China, for infected people by #covid_19 to be treated by a high dose of Quercetin. This research is overlooked by Montreal Clinical Research Institute (#IRCM). – Link below.
?Fun Fact- Quercetin has been shown to have a “promising anti viral activity against 2 species of Ebola Virus” PMID: 27297486! In fact, there have been studies done in #winnipeg at the Canadian National Microbiology Lab- the study was done on rats who have been injected with Ebola and treated with high dose Quercetin! Later on, Quercetin has also been researched as potential treatment for Zika virus!

Other uses: Quercetin is used for allergies (anti-histamine effect), its a high anti-oxidant & anti carcinogenic! (In addition to a potent anti-viral and so much more immunity related)… honestly there is TONS more research on quercetin but we wont get into it right now as the topic is COVID-19.

IMPORTANT: This by no way shape or form means it’s effective towards COVID19, unfortunately everything is in research at the moment and all we can do is take the precautions discussed by Public Health & World Health Organization!

If you are looking to boost your immune system make sure to talk to your health care practitioner / Naturopathic Doctor .

Don’t Forget To- WASH YOUR HANDS!

PMID: 28884445
PMID: 17046271
PMID: 22350287
PMID: 29621184
PMID: 26999194
PMID: 28082789
DOI: 10.1128/JVI.78.20.11334-11339.2004

Made In Canada Solution – COVID 19 Research 
Quercetin, Ebola and Zika